Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Berean Call

Feb 1, 2012

TBC Conference 2011
Paul Wilkinson of The Berean Call

re: What is Christian Palestinians ????

This is a very important 1 hour presentation that explains SO MUCH.

I believe everything Paul Wilkinson said here in this one hour presentation. He is an amazing man of God.

This also shows that many in the 'church' are way off base...

Gary Burge, Porter Sizemen, Brian McLaren, Tony Campolo, Stephen Sizer, Hank Hanagraff, etc...

And they are involved in the Inter-Faith movement...Replacement Theology, Fulfillment Theology and the awful movie that came out in 2010 shown in colleges and seminaries all over the world.

BEWARE: film "With God on our Side" is sinister to say the least.
Please watch this and share it with those who are caught up in this 'Christian Palestinian' movement.
Pray for them, pray Psalm 83 over this new movement against Zionism.
