Friday, January 30, 2009

Rosh HaShanah

Rosh HaShanah

It has been taught by Rabbi Eliezer Rosh haShanah 10b-11a

“in the month of Tishri the world was created,…and in Tishri they will be redeemed in time to come.”

The book by Joseph Good: “Rosh HaShanah and the Messianic Kingdom to Come”

Says the following:

Rosh HaShanah emcompasses many themes and teaches many doctrines.

Repentance, (Teshuvah)
The time of Jacob’s Trouble
The Resurrection of the dead
The Natzal (plucking away) (aka: The Rapture or Catching Away)
The Coronation of the Messiah
The Beginning of the Messianic Kingdom
The Judgment
The Wedding of the Messiah

Joseph Good said, "The Day (or Time) of Trouble referred to here is scattered throughtout the Scriptures under various names: Birthpangs, Wrath of G-d, Tribulation, and so forth. It describes a seven year time period of judgement and cleansing on the earth "

Author of The Morning Comes and Also the Night , Pastor Byron MacDonald said of Rosh HaShanah,

“I do think the Day of the Lord is a 1007 year period of time that begins with the Great Tribulation - the wrath of God on the nations.”


“I think the key date is Rosh Hashanna. I think the dating back to Jesus' birth is pretty accurate. I didn't see the history channel but I've seen similar dating based on when Zechariah was priest on duty in the Temple. I definitely think Jesus will come back for the church on Rosh Hashana, I just don't know which one. My preference is this year. Even so Lord Jesus come!”

January 30, 2009

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